Events For Members

To support our members, The IQ Club has created three programs to approach new markets and engage the wider business community.

All initiatives: Industry Insights, Sponsors/Speakers and Regional Roadshows, are by invitation only and tailored to build influence within the specific industries each member services.

If you’ve been invited by a friend of The IQ Club to join us at our next event, please register your interest below.

Register Your Interest

Industry Insights

Through the Industry Insights program, IQ Club members can show their appreciation by promoting outstanding businesses.

Event Sponsorship

Solidify the relationships you have with your clients by sponsoring an Industry Insight.

Highlight yourself as a pillar in the business community and make your superiors, peers, and your clients sit up and take notice.

An IQ Club Industry Insight
“The Case for Low Volume, High Precision Engineering”
Sponsored by
Dianne Semmens – Director (Acacia Consulting)
“Maybe one day Melbourne will be like Moderna in Italy… maybe one day Melbourne will be known as that’s where the best bikes in the world come from”.

Ben Schultz – Cofounder / Bastion Cycles

Client Stories

By giving your clients a platform to tell their story, it adds credibility to your relationship and opens a dialogue for other business owners to turn to them for mentorship and insight.

An IQ Club Industry Insight
“Designers and Manufacturers of Commercial Spray Booths”
Sponsored by

Peter Stranges – Associate Director (Boss Private Clients)
“Australia’s leading paint booth manufacturer – A true Australian success story proving that local manufacturers can supply quality products to the world”.

Anton Pirie – Director (Truflow Spray Booths)


By pooling our efforts IQ Club members can engage larger audiences and participate in Sponsors/Speakers. By doing so everyone meets twice as many people as they bought along.

Engaging Accountants

The beauty of the Sponsors/Speakers strategy is you are not selling… you are facilitating a conversation of value.

It gives your audience access to professionals who can educate them on critical aspects of their business.

An IQ Club Sponsors/Speakers Insight
“Buying and Selling Accounting Practices (Market Update)”
Sponsored by
Jim Ahern – Partnerships Director (Judo Bank)
Olga Koskie – Principal (Tax Assure)
Tim Hynes – State Manager Vic/Tas (Radium Capital)
Market update by Daniel Jones – Founder (DMY). DMY is Australia’s leading specialist business broker and M&A advisory to the accounting industry.

Mentoring the Mavericks

This initiative is an elegant and professional way to start a different conversation.

It sets you apart by showing existing or prospective clients the value they’ll receive.

An IQ Club Sponsors/Speakers Insight
“‘Is Your Company Big Enough to Establish an Advisory Board?”
Sponsored by
Sam Ralton – Director Working Capital Vic/Tas/SA (Octet Finance)
Peter Stranges – Associate Director (Boss Private Clients)
Advisory Board insights from Michael Wittner – RMIA, MAICD, Non-Executive Chair and Director of Wittner’s Australia. Vice President of Albert Park Melbourne Rowing Club, Non – Executive Board Advisor Seasol International and CEO of MAW Management Pty Ltd.

Regional Roadshows

IQ Club members can expand into new markets through our Regional Roadshows program.

New Markets

Boutique, and specialist service providers can educate regional business owners on strategy and tactics at our quarterly, educational Regional Roadshows.

An IQ Club Regional Roadshow
East Gippsland Shire
Sponsored by
Tim Hynes – State Manager Vic/Tas (Radium Capital)
Olga Koskie – Principal (Tax Assure)
Chris Gray – Director (The Haystack Group)
Sam Ralton – Director Working Capital Vic/Tas/SA (Octet Finance)
The IQ Club thanks the East Gippsland Shire Council, local businesses, and trusted advisors for their support, and to the attendees who enthusiastically welcomed us.

Regional Employment

By bringing together business owners, service providers and local councils, IQ Club members can fill the knowledge gap required to increase regional employment.

An IQ Club Regional Roadshow
East Gippsland Shire
Sponsored by
Chris Gray – Director (The Haystack Group)
Dianne Semmens – Director (Acacia Consulting)
Hamed Ghajarnia – Founder (CRINNAC)
Stuart Walter – Partner (Mills Oakley)
Thanks to the IQ Club members who supported this venture from the beginning, namely Chris Gray (The Haystack Group), Sam Ralton (Octet Finance), Tim Hynes (Radium Capital), Stuart Walter (Mills Oakley), Jeff Weston – Arnold (VE Finance) and Olga Koskie (Tax Assure).