IQ Club Ethics

It’s important for members that everybody is on the same page regarding ethics.

Guests can only be invited by an IQ Club member, an invited guest, or an event moderator.

As a guest you are an existing referrer or business owner of influence. You may have completed reciprocal business with an IQ Club member and they admire your business acumen.


All activities are built around an abundance mentality, that there is more than enough work to go around.

There is no category exclusivity. The content of your character and ability to form strong relationships is a greater determiner of your success than setting up a false economy.


You are under no obligation to do business with another Club member.

Your decision to work with another Club member should be based on merit alone. Membership is based on the recommendations of two or more IQ Club members.


Don’t prospect the room. Building trust with individuals is the path to success.

No Mates Rates. All work requested and/or completed by Club members is at market rate unless expressly agreed to by the party supplying the service.

Respect members and guests, their time, and contributions.

Be a person of your word. If you say you are going to do something, do so in a timely manner. If you have a grievance with a Club member, discuss this with your Moderator first.