Privacy Policy

Twenty Mile Digital Pty Ltd trading as The IQ Club recognise the importance of protecting your privacy. This document informs you of how we collect and manage your personal information.

Under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act) and we comply with all the Act’s requirements in respect of the collection, management and disclosure of your personal information.

What is my personal information?

When used in this privacy policy, the term “personal information” has the meaning given to it in the Act. In general terms, it is any information that can be used to identify you. This may include your name, address, telephone number, email address and profession or occupation. If the information we collect identifies you the information will be considered personal information.

What personal information do you collect and hold?

We may collect the following:

  • name, mailing or street address, email address, telephone number, age or birthdate, profession, occupation or job title.
  • details of the products and services you have purchased from us or which you have enquired about. It also includes any communications between us and you such as telephone, email and online communications.
  • any additional information you provide to us directly through our websites.
  • any unsolicited information provided to us.
  • information you provide to us through any customer surveys.

We may also collect anonymous answers to surveys or aggregated information about how users use our website.

What happens if you don’t collect my personal information?

If you do not provide us with your personal information, some or all the following may happen:

  • we may not be able to provide products or services to you.
  • we may not be able to provide you with information about the members and guests you’ll meet.
  • we may be unable to tailor the content of our events to your preferences


For what purposes do you collect my personal information?

We collect personal information about you to perform our business activities and to provide best possible quality of customer service.

We collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

  • to provide products and services to you
  • to send communications requested to you.
  • to answer enquiries or give advice about new products or services.
  • to provide you with access to upcoming events.
  • to conduct business processing functions including providing personal information to our sister companies, contractors or other third parties.
  • for direct marketing, planning, and research purposes of The IQ Club and its related bodies corporate, contractors or service providers.
  • to provide your updated personal information to our members and guests, speakers, contractors, or service providers.
  • to provide feedback on any Human Resources related enquiries.
  • to update our records and keep your contact details relevant.
  • to respond to any complaint made by you.
  • to comply with any law, rule, regulation or industry regulator.

Your personal information will not be shared, sold, rented or disclosed other than as described in this Privacy Policy.

To whom may you disclose my information?

We may disclose your personal information to:

  • our employees, related bodies corporate, contractors or service providers for the purposes of providing products and services to you including, without limitation, upcoming events, introductions to members and/or guests.
  • debt collectors, and professional advisors such as accountants, solicitors, business advisors and consultants.
  • any organisation for any authorised purpose with your express consent.

We may share any information that we collect from you with information collected by any of our related bodies corporate (within Australia).

Direct marketing materials

We may send you direct marketing communications that we consider may be of interest to you. These communications may be sent in various forms, including mail and email, in accordance with applicable marketing laws, such as the Spam Act 2003 (Cth).

At any time, you may opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us by contacting us (see details below) or by using opt-out facilities provided in the marketing communications sent to you.

How can I access the personal information you have on me?

You may request access to your personal information we hold on you. We may charge you a fee to cover our administrative costs.
However, we have the right to refuse access if this access may interfere with the privacy of others or if it results in a breach of confidentiality.

What if I believe there has been a breach of my privacy?

If you believe that your privacy has been breached, please provide details of the incident so that we can investigate it.

Do you disclose my personal information to external parties outside Australia?

We may disclose personal information to our sister companies or third-party service providers. In doing so we take steps to ensure that they do not breach the Privacy Act 1988.

We take steps to ensure your personal information is not misused and not susceptible to unauthorised access. Personal information is destroyed when no longer needed.


As the internet is inherently insecure, we cannot give assurance that during transmission your information will not be intercepted. Any information you transmit to us online is done so at your own risk.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or your information, please contact us on:

Twenty Mile Digital Pty Ltd

Post: PO Box 414 Ascot Vale VIC 3032


Changes to our privacy policy

We may change this privacy policy from time to time and its updated version posted on our website.

This privacy policy was last updated on Jan 30th 2023.